10 Weeks
how are you measuring? ????
size of baby? Prune
heartbeat? 165bpm
total weight gain/loss? + 4lbs
total weight gain/loss? + 4lbs
maternity clothes? No maternity clothes yet but my shirts are starting to look awkward sooo I might be making the switch in a few weeks
stretch marks? Nope, not yet. Hoping my belly butter will come in soon so I can get a jump start on avoiding that mess.sleep? Some nights it's awful and others it's pretty good. Right now being stuffy is keeping me awake. Plus getting up to pee all the time haha
best moment this week? Getting to hear our baby's heartbeat and see him/her on Monday. So cool!
movement? Nope, I probably won't start feeling anything until closer to 16 and 18 weeks.
food cravings? Sweet tea and these breakfast wraps at a coffee shop on base. I think it's because I haven't been able to eat meat in 2 months and I can finally hold down a little bacon. So my body is begging for protein and those little wraps have egg and some bacon in it.
gender predictions? I honestly have no idea! In the first month of my pregnancy I just had this overwhelming feeling it was a girl. I can't describe it. I still feel like it's going to be a girl but all of my symptoms point either way.
what i miss: Having energy to go to the gym every daywhat i'm looking forward to: Actually having a bump instead of just looking fat.
how are you feeling? This week I feel like I've been hit by a bus. Just REALLY exhausted and stuffed up.
Congratulations!!! I can't wait to follow your progress just like you followed mine. Get ready for a fun ride. I knew I would love being a mommy, but the joy I have can't be explained. It truly is amazing.