Thursday, April 12, 2012

Let Me Catch You Up

I have not been very good about writing about the fun stuff we got to do this month and the not so fun stuff we've had to do so I will catch you up!

Chris and I have been trying to be more adventurous in the kitchen as part of a New Years Resolution.  We've been very successful so far :)  This was Lemon-Oregano Chicken with Red Potatoes.  It was delicious but the prep work almost made me faint.  I had to pull apart, cut, hammer and rip apart a whole chicken.  The sounds were just....awful.  Chris had to finish that part for me.  But the meal was so rewarding.

We got to spend St. Patrick's evening with Virginia and Chadd!  I have not seen Virginia since 2007 at her baby shower for Grace so this was such a big deal!  What are the odds that they would get stationed out here with us, just 10 minutes down the road?!  We went to the Roller Derby and it was quite an experience.  Chris and I had never been before and I was a little skeptical if he would enjoy it or not.  Loved it.  Chris, Virginia and I spent a good part of the event figuring out just how they were scoring and who our favorites were.  Oh and some of them shaved their heads for donations to a childrens cancer research.  Virginia and I left with all of our hair though ;)

I got in touch with my friend, Melissa, and we had a lunch date which came to involve riding bikes.  I have not ridden a bicycle in forever!  One marvelous bike ride later, I was hooked!  So that following Saturday I woke up with Chris around 7am and half-jokingly suggested we go rent bikes for the day.  Preparing myself for the "nah, I'm not really feeling like doing anything" I got up and suggested we just go out for breakfast.  I was ready to go when Chris suggested I really wear tennis shoes instead of flip flops and comfortable pants instead of jeans.  I knew right then we were going to rent bikes!  We got all set up and rode from base to Landstuhl to hunt for the path to the castle.  The path we finally DID find, there's no way people ride their bikes up it.  We could barely walk the bikes up the ridiculous incline.  We finally made it all the way to the top and were pleasantly surprised to find a restaurant right next to the castle!  We had a small bite to eat and enjoyed the view from the top before heading back.  Let me tell you, I was so bummed I didn't bring my camera this time.  It was such a fun day.  Riding our bikes DOWN that ridiculous incline was awwwwwesommmme!  We are definitely planning on doing it again and hopefully finding the proper path so I will bring our camera then.

I've already blogged about our Hunger Games: Movie experience.

Now for the not-so-fun.  I totaled our car last Tuesday.  Our only car.  I went to turn left out of our village on a two-way traffic road and didn't see the car coming on my left until I was already pulled out and we collided with the other driver going about 45-50mph....ouch.  It was an awful accident but we know things could have ended much worse.  Everyone is doing fine now.  We were so lucky to be able to borrow a car from a friend in Chris' office for the time being and it sounds like our insurance is taking care of the other driver very quickly so that's good!  Chris has been so great about reminding me he loves me more than a car, helping out with things around the house while I was doped up and making sure we stay positive instead of letting ourselves feel so defeated (that was hard, too.  Finally seeing a light at the end of the crap tunnel and then here comes some more crap.  C'est la vie).  Here's a picture of our car because I totally understand morbid curiosity:

bye, car :(  that's our bumper laying on the ground....upside down
windshield didn't stand a chance against that airbag


  1. I LOVE your BLOG!!!!! Your style of writing is perfect, I can hear your voice as i read , it's wonderful and sad at the same time . I miss you. I might have to come out and visit soon!
    Anyways, I already knew that you were ok after the accident but seeing that picture made my THANK GOD , that you all were ok.

    1. Thank you! That's very encouraging. You are DEFINITELY welcome in our home any time! We miss you too so the sooner the better haha Try to bring JD or his style tip book because I need to do some clothes shopping :)
