Friday, May 24, 2013

18 Weeks

how far along? 18 Weeks and 6 Days

how are you measuring? I'm really not sure what this question means
size of baby? Sweet potatah!

heartbeat? Still sitting at about 130-135
total weight gain/loss? + 11lbs!

maternity clothes? Yup definitely in the maternity clothes.  I'm very irritated that all I seem to find are maternity skinny jeans.  What the hell?!  I don't WANT to show my legs off because they're like freakin' sponges right now!
stretch marks? Nope, not yet but I'm starting to get big, quick, so I'm pretty sure they will be unavoidable towards the end.  Dumb.
 Sleep is much better right now.  I have NO problem falling asleep around 9:00 or 10:00.  It's staying asleep past 4:00 that's a problem.
best moment this week? feeling the first real kicks!!  
movement? definitely getting some movement now :)  I love it.
food cravings? Jalapenos and apples

gender predictions? Still thinking positive girl thoughts! 
what i miss: Not having to worry about what is pregnancy safe and what isn't.  I also miss fitting into my clothes.
what i'm looking forward to: Finding out what we're having :)
how are you feeling? Pretty good.  Starting to get pretty regular back aches so that blows but otherwise I'm doin' alright!

Friday, May 10, 2013

16 Weeks

how far along? 16 Weeks and 6 Days

how are you measuring? I'm really not sure what this question means
size of baby? Avocado!

heartbeat? Still sitting at about 130-135
total weight gain/loss? + 10lbs!

maternity clothes? Yup definitely in the maternity clothes.  My work jeans haven't come in yet so I'm just using a hairband to button my pants
stretch marks? Nope, not yet.  I've been using the Mama Bee Belly Butter almost religiously!  Plus it's a good way to get a belly rub from Chris ;)
 Sleep is much better right now.  I have NO problem falling asleep around 9:00 or 10:00.  It's become a nightly routine where we put on a random t.v. show and I fall asleep laying in Chris' lap.  It's been a long time since I've gone to bed before falling asleep.
best moment this week? Well there's two.  I finally got to feel a few little flutters from the baby and I get to make the appointment to find out what we're having!  I'm not saying when because we will not be revealing the sex to everyone until our parents have a chance to find out. 
movement? Got my first flutters this week :)  It was so light, I wasn't sure if it was real but it's definitely it!
food cravings? Jalapenos

gender predictions? Still thinking girl! 
what i miss: Not having to worry about what is pregnancy safe and what isn't.  I also miss fitting into my clothes.
what i'm looking forward to: Berlin for my birthday!
how are you feeling? My usual sensor is gone for sure.  I have no patience for stupidity and rudeness and I don't hesitate to express that.  But otherwise, I'm feeling awesome :)