how far along? 14 Weeks and 4 Days
how are you measuring? umm, fat?
size of baby? About as big as a lemon right now
heartbeat? According to our doppler, last night was about 137-140bpm
total weight gain/loss? + 8lbs
total weight gain/loss? + 8lbs
maternity clothes? Yup definitely in the maternity clothes
stretch marks? Nope, not yet. I've been using the Mama Bee Belly Butter almost religiously! Plus it's a good way to get a belly rub from Chris ;)sleep? Sleep is such a pain right now. Just lots of second tri aches and pains
best moment this week? Chris and I went and purchased a couple of children's books this weekend.
movement? I don't feel anything yet but hopefully will start feeling little flutters shortly.
food cravings? Jalapenos, oranges, pineapple and the pickles from Chilis
gender predictions? I really feel like it's a girl. It's such an overwhelming feeling sometimes.
what i miss: Going to pubs on the weekends. There. I said it.what i'm looking forward to: my spa day coming up with my hunny :)
how are you feeling? Right now, awful. I have an appointment in a couple weeks to be checked out to make sure it's really just "typical aches." The other night I couldn't walk because of a very centralized stabbing pain almost in my butt, I think it's my lower back though. It's there, constantly. Just not usually crippling. Mostly makes me walk funny. I've had sciatic nerve pain many times and this is definitely not it. I just really need some kind of relief.